Digital Signage & LoboVision

Want to market your campus event, activities, or services? Digital signage in the Student Center, LoboVision, and the Stevenson First Floor Lobby is a great way to reach the Seawolf community! There are several digital signage displays strategically located throughout campus with a majority in the Student Center. LoboVision is the large screen located in Seawolf Plaza on the east wall of the Recreation Center.
Submitting Digital Signage
Content must relate to campus events, activities, and services. To submit a request, please follow the guidelines below and select one location (LoboVision or Student Center) per content. We require content to be different (imagery and design) for both locations. Please note one monitor in Stevenson will show the LoboVision content and one monitor will show the Student Center content. See additional details under monitor locations and playlists information below.
To ensure approval of the content, we have provided guidelines that must be followed. The digital signage request form must be submitted 7 days in advance of the dates requested for digital signage content to be displayed. The digital signage content will be displayed for no less than a one-week period of time and no longer than a two-week period of time. Messages will run Friday-Thursday each week.
Digital Signage Submission Form
Any requests submitted after the deadline will be left to the discretion of the Entrepreneurial Activities marketing office. The Entrepreneurial Activities marketing office reserves the right to accept or reject any content submitted.
The required orientation is landscape.
All content posted on digital signage must be sized at 1920 x 1080 pixels and image resolution must be either 72 or 96 dpi.
Keep It Simple
Keep digital signage as simple as possible. Use a limited amount of text and include a simple graphic or image where the text can be read easily. Each graphic is only visible for 15 seconds per rotation and there is no time to read and comprehend more than 30 words. Limit the message to 140 characters per slide. If you need to share additional information, we recommend including a QR code to a web page or other resource.
Content must be submitted in the required digital format: JPG, PNG (15 MB Max), PDF, or MP4.
Pick a clear, readable font (Arial, Helvetica, Garamond, Tahoma, Times New Roman) that can be seen from a far distance from the monitors. Try at least 60 pt for the headline text and at least 24 pt for the body text.
Background and font color must be considered when creating digital signage content. Try using only a few colors to reduce viewer distraction. Also, make sure to have a strong contrast between the image color and text color, so your content can be easily read.
If submitting video please note audio will not be played and captions will be needed for any audio. The maximum length of videos for digital signage is 90 seconds.
Please contact the Entrepreneurial Activities marketing office at
Additional Information
Please note that not all monitors are available for digital signage content in the Student Center. The following locations are where digital signage will be displayed for content that is approved.
Student Center Playlist
Student Center Building:
1st Floor
- The Kitchens
- 1 on 80" near the entrance
- 1 between Chef's and Passport
- 1 near the meeting room
- 1 in the smaller south-east dining area past ETC.
- Weyden & Brewster
- 2 in the hallway across from Sip
- Sip
- 1 in the dining area
2nd Floor
- 1 in hallway landing near stairs
- 1 near Student Life offices
- 1 outside the University Store
3rd Floor
- 4 in the hallway outside the Ballrooms
Stevenson Hall
- 1 on the first floor in the Lobby
LoboVision Playlist
Seawolf Plaza:
- LoboVision Jumbo Tron
Stevenson Hall
- 1 on the first floor in the Lobby
Digital signage operates while the building is open. The operation of digital signage is administered through the marketing office, which is located in the administrative offices on the 3rd floor of the Student Center and is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Digital signage is to be used for information that relates to campus events, activities, and services. Digital signage will also be used to advertise campus auxiliaries and limited external organizations. Events promoted through digital signage must be, at the minimum, open to the campus community, whether free of charge or ticketed. All materials must clearly indicate the sponsoring organization, group, or department.
Messages pertinent to only selected individuals or organization members or of a personal nature will not be displayed. Personal attacks on an individual person or organization are not permitted.
Digital signage may also be used on a limited basis for sponsorship announcements associated with University events, subject to approval by the Manager of the Entrepreneurial Activities marketing office or their designee.
The digital signage content will be displayed for no less than a one-week period of time and no longer than a two-week period of time. Messages will run Friday-Thursday each week. Requests for extensions or exceptions are subject to approval by the Manager of Entrepreneurial Activities marketing office or their designee.
Digital Signage in the Student Center is available for recognized student organizations, University departments, and external groups.*
Digital Signage on LoboVision is available for recognized student organizations and University departments.
*External organizations can submit content for the Student Center location only and will have a maximum of two spaces available. Spaces will be assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Submissions will not be saved or archived. All files will be deleted immediately following the dates they are displayed.
Recognized student clubs and organized that are chartered and University departments will not be charged to use the Student Center & Lobo Vision digital signage. For external organizations, an initial set-up fee is charged in addition to a weekly posting fee. Fees from external organizations must be paid by credit card.
User | Set-up Fee | Weekly |
External Organization | $25 | $150 |
LoboVision can also be reserved for events such as movie nights or watching Seawolves battle it out in games and so much more! To reserve LoboVision for events, please submit a request space form and if you have any questions regarding events, please contact Conference and Event Services.